The Initial Initialling

Sunday Aug 21st –
The rain finally came and it was a rather chilly, damp day.

We drove to church with John and Inge and Mike then translated the service for me.

I napped some of the hour long drive back to John and Inge’s and then Inge made us all grilled sandwiches and soup for a late lunch/early supper.

Oma and Opa came over too and we all had Vla (like vanilla pudding) or Kort (like plain, yogurt kind of) with fresh raspberry sauce.

I began working on some initial paintings Sarah said I could try for the girls rooms.
It’s always a longer process then I think and by the time I finished up one initial and one flower ring for the next, it had easily been 4 hours (I am a slow creator though.)
All of which I did sitting with my legs bent under me and the rest of me hunched over a little table, making for a nice sore back come bedtime and the next morning 😏✍🏻🎨
Monday Aug 22nd –



Michiel and Inge worked and I painted.

I did have Fiji for company 😊💕

It was a dreary day and all I could think of was how a cup of coffee from home would have been the perfect thing to hold in my hands and drink while thinking of some painting inspiration and then the perfect fuel to accomplish that inspiration.
But no… I made a pot anyways and sipped in disappointment, forgetting to even get another cup before the element turned off.

I finished up the initials Sarah had requested.

Then worked on practicing some brushstrokes with the watercolor pen she had given me, attempting some other letters and styles to possibly try putting up for sale.

Also worked on was the never ending writing, photo sorting and posting, before supper had to be made.

Million dollar spaghetti was prepped and eaten.

The name is supposedly because it’s usually very rich tasting but I cut back the cream cheese due to previous experience making it, so maybe it was only hundred dollar spaghetti 😏

Author: jessicapeters95

Hello humans 😊 This is where you learn about me I suppose, though anyone reading this right now most likely knows all the boring details ;) I am Jessica Rose Peters-Hagenouw. (Always thought I'd be able to pronounce my married name but hey, life doesn't go as we plan.) June 11, 1995, tis the day Robert and Bonnie Peters received the most adorable, amazing, wonderful, surprise 3rd child they could have dreamed of. Speaking of being the third child, I have an older brother and an older sister. Both of whom are married and have wee little families of their own, making 'Aunty Jess' another name I go by. I grew up and have lived all of my years up till November 2015 in Saskatchewan, Canada. Making summers that are extremely short and winters that never end, vast open spaces, northern lights, unthinkable amounts of mosquitoes, lakes, forests and people waving to you on the grid road all different things that mean = Home. But Home is not where I'll be for some time. My husband is a Dutchman, living in Europe. Therefore I too have been living in Europe for the last few months. The reason I started this little blog/journal/writing thing, is to document a bit of my "whole new world," for those at home who wont be awake at 3:00 am wanting to hear about how I couldn't find flour at the grocery store. Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek into my little life 😊

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