Camaraderie, Carbs And Class

Wednesday April 26th –

Preparing for guests 😁

Well… I kind of was but Mom REALLY was, making a batch of homemade bread and ooey,gooey delicious cinnamon buns 😍🍞

I did contribute by making a raspberry torte ( a previously mentioned all time favourite sweet treat of mine 💕👌🏻) and together we straightened up the place and did what you do before you have people over.

The people?
Our family 😁

My aunt and cousin were stopping by on their road trip back home and the last time I’d seen them was at our wedding!

Before they arrived though, Mom, Becca and I went out for a walk and I’m not sure why I bothered going because Becca arrived with a gift of the icing and sprinkle covered, mini cupcakes I so love and I wasn’t going to be denying myself any of them 💕
I guess the walk may have countered the effects of half a bite 😏😜

The family arrived and with them, the comfortable camaraderie found amongst kin.

Where familiarity and genes run thick and emotions can be portrayed freely… oh and they brought some super delicious veggies from a greenhouse they know about 😜

After a dinner of taco salad and a dessert of that mornings cinnamon buns, everyone visited away the evening before going to bed, sweet tooth’s satisfied and expectant of the next day’s meals and plans 😉🍞🖋

Thursday April 27th –

I began my morning by searching online for nearly anything we’d find useful in the circumstance of us owning a house.

The one add that really caught my eye was this one 😎😏

I feel like the couches, rug and wallpaper are just what we’d need to make a house our home and I’m just so happy that was one of the first things I laid eyes upon after waking up, it having filled my thoughts with design plans and a great outlook on the day ahead 😜

I needed coffee to wash away its memory and then a breakfast was spread out for us girls to enjoy 😊🍞🍴🥚🍓

We relaxed for the most part, trying to mentally prepare for the lettering class my mother would be teaching later in the day 😉

Also, we just didn’t feel like doing much 😋

I prepared a juice for us and my cousin took the time to search out some uses for the leftover pulp and turns out, there are a lot!
So, don’t be surprised if I start telling you all about random pulp recipes I’ve tried and possibly failed at creating 😋

I know I’ve mentioned the juicer a fair bit, but I really am loving it 👌🏻
It’s a ‘L’equip, Xl Juicer’ (in black because the lady who sold it to us said the white one stains from the fruit and veggies 😬) and so far it’s done well with all I’ve put through it.

That day’s juice held spinach, orange, mint, apple, pineapple and carrots and though the color may have been the worst one yet, the taste was excellent 👌🏻

As we finished what looked to be some form of poison, the other two members of the lettering class arrived 😊

Check out class options for you, here on Bonnie’s (Moms😉) Instagram page, Diamond And Willow.

We sat down at 1:00 pm and though I’d already been gleaning lots of tips and tricks off Mom, it was nice to have it laid out, explained and it means I got a booklet of supplies 😋
(Like I haven’t been mooching off her at all😎)

We listened and lettered and enjoyed (and maybe even slightly disliked for a moment or two), the whole learning process 😋

A break was needed so coffee and torte was served and bent over necks and scrunched up hands were given a little break 😉

The class ended at 4:00pm and during it was I able to finish the final piece required for a letting challenge I’d started… in March 🙈😜

Adieus were said to some of the students and then supper preparations began.

Chicken with Holland sauté sauce, citrus cucumbers, rice, bread and ‘nifty’ carrots brought over by Becca made up a tasty spread for everyone 😊🍴

(I rarely cook carrots, usually boiling them and adding the odd spices but if I do cook them it’ll be the Nifty carrots recipe, yummy and simple. I’ll share the recipe sometime so keep an eye out 😉)

Author: jessicapeters95

Hello humans 😊 This is where you learn about me I suppose, though anyone reading this right now most likely knows all the boring details ;) I am Jessica Rose Peters-Hagenouw. (Always thought I'd be able to pronounce my married name but hey, life doesn't go as we plan.) June 11, 1995, tis the day Robert and Bonnie Peters received the most adorable, amazing, wonderful, surprise 3rd child they could have dreamed of. Speaking of being the third child, I have an older brother and an older sister. Both of whom are married and have wee little families of their own, making 'Aunty Jess' another name I go by. I grew up and have lived all of my years up till November 2015 in Saskatchewan, Canada. Making summers that are extremely short and winters that never end, vast open spaces, northern lights, unthinkable amounts of mosquitoes, lakes, forests and people waving to you on the grid road all different things that mean = Home. But Home is not where I'll be for some time. My husband is a Dutchman, living in Europe. Therefore I too have been living in Europe for the last few months. The reason I started this little blog/journal/writing thing, is to document a bit of my "whole new world," for those at home who wont be awake at 3:00 am wanting to hear about how I couldn't find flour at the grocery store. Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek into my little life 😊

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