Picking Up Our Parental Duties


The view we awoke to, was slightly different than the previous mornings 😅


I had no idea where we had driven to the previous night, and asked Mike how long it would take to get back to his parents.
He said we could text his mom to have cappuccinos ready, and that would be about how long it would take 🤪 

So, about ten minutes later, we pulled into the driveway, Lake being held up in the window to see who was arriving 🤓


We greeted him with gusto and he began babbling and wanted to go back and forth within seconds, between Mike and I for a few moments 🤪💗


The RV was slowly unloaded, bedding brought in, refrigerator emptied, and our things being hauled back to the top of the house to our room. 
Some of Lakes cousins came for a visit later that afternoon, so he was preoccupied with them, and they with him 😉👌🏻


I tried to catch up on blogging.


I wrote but I did not catch up, as this post is the very proof of that fact 🤪🙈

Oma took him out for a bike ride and then later that evening we got to catch up over coffee and sweets in the living room.


Where Lake promptly made himself at home upon the coffee table.


You leave for a few days, and the opa lets the little guy take over 😉😜


Memory has once again failed me as to what occurred during much of this day, but I believe we stayed around the house for the most part.
We did go out to a Dutch grocery store or two, to purchase the last of the Dutch items on our ‘take home’ list.

For humours sake, I photographed the size of their sugar bags.


It was so funny/unbelievable to me the first time we went grocery shopping there when we lived in Europe, and this was the size of sugar bag I was told they use 😅 Memories 🤪

We were going to the brother and sister-in-laws for supper that evening, and as they are in Germany, we got to stop at a German grocer too 😏 Where I remembered to take a picture of the flour bags as well 🙈


Schnitzel round two was partaken of.


And enjoyed just as much as round one had been 😉


After dinner and dessert, important things like massages took place 😉



I woke up to the boys making coffee, and heating up some breads purchased the day before ☺️



After Lakes morning nap, we went out to do a little afternoon shop perusing.


Finding things that we could not take home with us 🤪

We had to get back home for the little to get in another nap, and while he slept, Mike went out and got us ice creams 😋


He also got me another margarita pizza and himself, the Chinese loempia, one last dish on his ‘to eat’ list 😉


Though Lake had supposedly done very well when we were away, napping easily and sleeping through the nights, once I returned, he showed his emotions about our having been away.
Requiring me to rock him fully to sleep, lay him down as gently as possible, before tip toeing out of the room, hoping I wouldn’t have to do it all over again if he twitched open an eyelid.
That went on every night, until we left.
Where as before we’d went on our road trip, we were able to lay him down with a bottle, leave the room and that would be that 😅

Author: jessicapeters95

Hello humans 😊 This is where you learn about me I suppose, though anyone reading this right now most likely knows all the boring details ;) I am Jessica Rose Peters-Hagenouw. (Always thought I'd be able to pronounce my married name but hey, life doesn't go as we plan.) June 11, 1995, tis the day Robert and Bonnie Peters received the most adorable, amazing, wonderful, surprise 3rd child they could have dreamed of. Speaking of being the third child, I have an older brother and an older sister. Both of whom are married and have wee little families of their own, making 'Aunty Jess' another name I go by. I grew up and have lived all of my years up till November 2015 in Saskatchewan, Canada. Making summers that are extremely short and winters that never end, vast open spaces, northern lights, unthinkable amounts of mosquitoes, lakes, forests and people waving to you on the grid road all different things that mean = Home. But Home is not where I'll be for some time. My husband is a Dutchman, living in Europe. Therefore I too have been living in Europe for the last few months. The reason I started this little blog/journal/writing thing, is to document a bit of my "whole new world," for those at home who wont be awake at 3:00 am wanting to hear about how I couldn't find flour at the grocery store. Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek into my little life 😊

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