Llandudno Beach Photoshoot

Time to share the photos of our romantic, evening photo shoot at Llandudno beach 🤪

Turn away if you’re prone to cringing at displays of affection! ‘Jessica closes her own blog’ 🤪

Before our trip to South Africa, I had searched out a photographer to possibly get some photos of Mich and I taken while we were there.

It’s been 3 and a half years since our wedding and though I hope we haven’t aged THAT drastically since then (I’m sure I’m mistaken 🤪) I thought it would be nice to document, well… ‘us’ 🙈

At home, so many people use the wheat or canola fields to take photos in and they are lovely photos and backgrounds no doubt, but I didn’t feel like paying for photos of us alone, in the ‘classic’ Saskatchewan background.
This is so hard to word without making it seem like I think field pictures are dumb but that isn’t at all what I mean!!! 😂

We knew we both really enjoy South Africa and beach backgrounds wouldn’t always be an option, so the decision was made.
I found our photographer via Instagram Melissa Brown ZA  and we set up a date and place and come that time, we slightly awkwardly began the photoshoot 🤪
Luckily she was very friendly and helpful with giving us directions on how to look like we were naturally just…awed by each other 😂

Here you see the results 😉 Continue reading “Llandudno Beach Photoshoot”

Destination 3 Of 3

April 21st –

Sunday morning, the one that’s always slightly hurried, filled with preparations for church and eating of breakfast before heading out the door 🙂

Mike and my attendance, added greatly to the number of Caucasians in a congregation of a few hundred people, so it was a slightly more robust song service than what we are generally used to 😉

After church we did a quick grocery store trip, Mike and I finding some more items to take home with us and crossing fingers the suitcases wouldn’t be too full, still holding the gifts for Holland as well as all of our new purchases 🙈

After lunch, we made our way to a cafe to enjoy one last coffee and sweet together.

They ALSO had a lemon meringue, though I should have resisted temptation because it was the least delicious of the trip 🤪

Once back at the house again, we began the packing of our things, preparing to leave later that evening so we could grab a bite to eat before checking in and flying around 11:00. It was such a nice time to fly, giving us an entire day during our last and making it seem not at all as if we’d be traveling.

I say ‘we’ packed but really it’s Mike who ‘packs’… I sort and fold and pick the required things but he typically places it all 🤪

We visited away the remaining time together, happy for having been able to enjoy their company and hospitality for a second time in two years 😉


April 22nd –


Our night passed by on the 11 and a half hour flight back to Holland.
I had it in my mind that it was a 9 hour flight but due to us having moved from Joburg to Cape Town area, that was false information 🤪
All I can say is that I was still so thankful for not having the usual flying symptoms of not being able to sleep and an upset stomach.
I downed my sleeping pill, gave Mike a half (since he’s not so used to having them) and slept for the most part until there was 3.5 hours of flight remaining.
Which is nothing less than a miracle compared to my other flight experiences 🤪👍🏻

Not all of the tulip fields had been harvested yet, so we got to enjoy them from the sky 🙂

The parents in law were our pick up committee and the hour ish drive back to Doesburg began 🙂

We paused the drive to stop at one of the rare Starbucks locations they have and I think it was one of the most delicious Starbucks drinks I’ve ever drank 😅
It tasted JUST like home and maybe I’m just super picky and stuck in my ways at the ripe old age of 23… but none of the coffee during our Africa/Holland trips, ever satisfies.
We may be driving back 50 min for a coffee again before the trip is over 🤪

Once we arrived back at the house, it wasn’t long until a nap ensued.
Instigated by Mike I will add, so you’re all aware it wasn’t just an idea from me 😜

But first Mich got a helping of apple tart made specially for his arrival 😏

My special treatment came later for supper and a meal of broccoli tart was happily indulged in 🤤👍🏻


While the men began setting up the scaffolding and paint supplies for the next days work, which had been saved for Mike to tackle during our stay, us ladies went for a walk, enjoying the warm evening🌤

Feasts For All Senses

April 19th –

Our Simonstown part of the trip came to an end and we checked out of our Azure Retreat Airbnb house.
We had a splendid sky to bid us adieu and it had been a very enjoyable place to stay.

Having no complaints besides sheddy towels 🤪👌🏻

We ate the rest of our milk tart for breakfast that morning, so as we headed towards our next destination of Strand, we stopped at Kalky’s so Mike could try the fish and chips he wanted and I actually ate my leftover meal from the night before 😏

Both were satisfying 😉

It was around an hour drive to get to our friends place, where once there, we sat with cool drinks in hand, catching up on the last two years highlights 🤪

The men went out to buy some braai (BBQ) meat for dinner and from that time on it was a leisurely coming together of prepared items to enjoy for supper ☺️

One item on the menu was specifically South African and necessary to try… and that was mutton liver 🤪 Continue reading “Feasts For All Senses”

Oceanic Observing’s

April 17th –


We awoke with no real plans for the day… the gusting winds had woke us a couple of times during the night and they had carried on into the morning/day as well.

We decided to go check out the penguins at Boulders Beach, as it wasn’t long after they open and we figured it would be less busy.
Our assumption was correct thankfully and we paid to go see the penguins. Paying around $15 per person, since we weren’t local… the locals pay only $3 😏

Walking down the path to the beach with large towering rocks, which were creating a sheltered, cove like area, we spotted our first few penguins 😏👍🏻
Unfortunately for me we had to crawl through a mini tunnel created by two boulders, to get to the good spot.
Though it was really rather wide and fairly short in length, it was enough to cause shortness of breath, as I hate enclosed spaces 😬

Which is so dumb… it would make more sense if Mich, the larger of us 🤪 wasn’t a fan of tight spots but no, it’s me 🙈


We hung out with the penguins awhile, laughing at their comical shuffle/sway of a walk and then we walked a higher boardwalk path, to view them at the other part of the beach. Continue reading “Oceanic Observing’s”


gerund or present participle: luxuriating
To enjoy (something) as a luxury; take self-indulgent delight in.
Synonyms: revel, bask, delight, take pleasure, wallow, indulge oneself, enjoy, relish, savour, appreciate, lap up.


April 15th –

Our last morning in Johannesburg.

We packed up all of our things, including the freshly washed and ironed clothing that our hosts did that morning, before enjoying one last breakfast together, served in the open patio area.

We were truly served like royalty during our time at their home 💕

Before being taken to the airport we stopped at a ‘biltong’ shop…which translates to jerky 😉
There was meat hanging to dry from a good portion of the ceiling and Mike was almost too tall to walk under it 🤪🙈
We got to taste test many different flavours and meat mixtures and we did leave the store with some vacuum packed pieces in hand 👍🏻 Continue reading “Luxuriating”


April 13th –

We arose and readied ourselves to leave with one our personal driver/tour guide/shopping companions, to meet the other, for breakfast 😉

Eating at Lacoco C Food Purveyors was a very enjoyable experience 😁
The restaurants and food that we held in memory, were indeed the same as we recalled and that’s pretty impressive because I feel like usually people either build up, or tear down in their recollections 🤪

The decor and overall ambiance was so enjoyable and the eye could wander they entire time, catching some new detail or feature that begged for further attention 👌🏻💕

I ordered French toast, Mike got an egg and bacon breakfast sandwich and I also got my first juice of grapefruit, pineapple and mint 🤤🍴🍍 Continue reading “Mall-Nourished”